About Us

Amy & Jonny, Calella de Palafrugell, Catalunya

On the beach at Calella de Palafrugell, Catalunya, Spain, in 2005.

We’re Amy and Jonny (Amy’s American, Jonny’s English) (see us, smiling/squinting at left). We love to eat and we always go out of our way for good food. This blog covers our border-line food and drink obsession through anecdotes from our travels, life as working parents of two young kids, our weeknight meals at home, and special occasion dinners out.

We write about the food we want to write about. Occasionally, we will cover a cookbook or a product, but we have never been paid for promotion and we’ll always tell you if we actually liked the product or not. That’s not to say we wouldn’t like to be paid for it, it’s just that, like many a great artist, our genius is yet to be fully recognized at this point.

We’ve been blogging at WANF since April 2007 and in that time have covered quite a bit of ground. Feel free to check out our Recipes page or use the search function to look for things specifically. The tag cloud is also a good way of finding what you’re looking for, and if all that fails, click here to drop us a line. We always respond, even if it takes a couple of days. This is a blog not a job, remember.

Update – January 2011
Christian Science Monitor
We are delighted to have been selected among the fabulously diverse group of bloggers whose content is syndicated to the Christian Science Monitor’s “Stir It Up!” food blog.

55 Knives
Update June 2010
Many thanks and kudos to Nick at Macheesmo for pulling together the new e-book 55 Knives. A collection of recipes and stories from across the food blogosphere, it features among these, our miserable little tale of bad food-induced suffering in 1980s England, and a recipe for averting such horrors from happening to your own children. Go ahead, buy the book and read it, unless you feel like a little suffering builds character, as my old man used to say…

Update February 11, 2010
We’re delighted to have been invited to be regular guest bloggers on ReadyMade.com. We are contributing a series of “how-to…” posts a couple of times a month. We are excited to be doing this and grateful for the opportunity, so please check us (and the other great contributors) out there too.

Update November 01, 2009
Kind a lengthy addition to our post on Au Pied de Cochon, and a written version of our podcast here’s a Montreal, Canada, city guide we penned that was published (with the wrong photo of Jonny) on online travel resource site TravelSort.com.

Saveur – Best of the Web

We (and only about 800 other food web sites) have been named among Saveur magazine’s Best of the Web. It was our Puerto Rican Pernil recipe that really caught their eye, which is a minor miracle given how ugly the plating and photography are, but there you go – beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Up yours Tastespotting!)

The header pictures/banners above are all taken by us on our travels to Spain, Italy, France, England, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, and around the U.S., and never fail to make us salivate — especially the raw meat!

Check our Photography page or our Flickr Photostream for more pictures from our travels. If you’d like to use any of them in your publication, please drop us a line – we usually say yes.

Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop us a line at seppysills[at]yahoo.com with your questions, comments, suggestions, or offers of lucrative book / TV deals and merchandising opportunities…

This website runs a heavily modified version of MistyLook-2 sidebars on the very wonderful WordPress 3.3. Our host is Dreamhost, whose services have improved a great deal since they provoked this outburst. Podcasts run on Podpress through Libsyn – the best $5 we spend every month.

61 thoughts on “About Us

  1. I like this blog. Good writing, good attitude, good food. Am adding it to my blogroll so I remember to come back.
    -Virginia Kitchen

  2. Well thank you! Why do I trust a positive comment more than others from a reader with the last name ‘Kitchen’? Thanks for the nice comments – it’s keeping us going! -amy @ neverfull

  3. Just wanted you to know I enjoyed getting caught up on your adventures in cooking! I will be making a lot of broccoli rabe over the next weeks! Thank you for the beautiful Sunflower field in Tuscany pic (I have that in my kitchen!). Keep making everything look (and sound!) so scrumptious. hugs

  4. Hey Marie! Thanks so much for the kind words – as an Italian American myself, I will definitely be hitting yours up again! Auntie Lin-lin, you are the first relative to make a comment!! I’m so happy!!! Please keep coming back and leaving comments! We love it… love you! 🙂

  5. Buongiorno tutti! Love the blog, guys. Devil knows how you ever get any other work done as it’s so comprehensive, brings back a lot of memories from Tuscany when we were all there last year. Ah, good times!

    Just a word from the wise about my recent trip to Rome with my significant other; you always hear mention of the phrase ‘never eat in an empty restaurant’. Well this would appear to hold true wherever you go. Having been to Rome and shared every meal with enthusiastic diners, our last meal was one of convenience in a deserted trattoria, And yes, even in the home of delicious food, one can still be disappointed. So waiting 5 minutes for a table could save you a whole lot more in regret. Bring on crowded eateries!

  6. Love your blog, and your photos are truly amazing. Did I miss somewhere about what kind of camera and settings you like to use to take such beautiful images? Would love to learn more.

  7. Hi, Kitchenetta! Hmmmm… never really thought about putting anything about our camera/settings b/c it’s not that great of a camera! we’re so happy you like our photos! we really don’t have much of a set-up which is why I can honestly say anyone can do this at home. just buy yourself a lamp, some white plates and a decent digital camera. i swear that is the beginning to being your own food stylist. ok, so back in 2005 when we bought our digital, it was a pretty decent camera. we got the Best Buy credit card just so we could pay it off in installments. it’s a Cannon PowerShot S2 IS. We like using the ‘vivid color’ setting along with “S” shot (or the picture of the flower you press in so you can get up close and personal with things) – i’m sure there’s a fancy word for it, but I dont’ know what it is.

    Thank you so much for checking us out and we really hope you stop by again!! – amy and jonny

  8. hi guys!! love your blog!! I was looking at your photos and it made me hungry!! now my tummy is growling..anyway, nice blog and how i wish i could also cook like you do. I am married to an italian, (i am asian) and we both love to eat more than cooking.I promised to myself to be a better cook this year.ehehhe.. we really enjoy trying out restaurants and pizzerias!
    We love travelling too. The other night, we were looking for this place to eat, called ” Il Rifugio” (the refuge)which was recommended by one of my students and after an hour of driving, we finally reached the place which was on top of a hill and the rough roads made it more adventureous and just to find out that it was closed. We just looked at each other and left.It was so funny because we were so hungry and we were already imagining the food. We were on top of this empty hill with a big statue of Jesus infront of us in the dark with no sign of anybody. WE found “our refuge” but there were not food to eat.
    We are staying in the southern part of Italy,salerno!! It’s a nice city with a friendly atmosphere. bye for now and thanks for sharing!

  9. Amy and John –

    Love the site! I have bookmarked it and plan on visiting often. I stumbled across your blog while looking up Bucatini al’ Amatraciana, because I was on a quest to find guanciale and cook up this tasty Roman dish. And, WHOA! – I came across your picture of the dish and nearly fainted with desire. Now, I fully get the term “food porn” and need you to keep cooking and snapping pictures to feed my addiction!

    Thanks, guys!

  10. I am LOVING your blog. Great pics, and very talented cooks.
    I also see you are in Brooklyn, I thought you were in Europe!
    I am adding your blog to my favorite blog list on my site. I am HOOKED!
    Stacey Snacks

  11. I’ve been a chef for 30 + years and every time I visit your site I leave with a deep desire to stuff something in my mouth. Your cooking talent, flavor layering, and eye for presentations is exceptional. If you ever want a temporary gig give me a call.

  12. Thanks for your comments on my blog! I really love your site, I stumbled upon it awhile back and find myself checking back now and then to see what you guys are up to. I’m also Italian and absolutely loved Tuscany, so I can totally relate! I will be adding your site to my blogroll, once I get around to creating one!

  13. I can honestly say I am pretty well blown away by your blog…..It all started with the rabbit. I have some catching up to do in your archives. I love your stunning interpretations of Roman classics and the heavy emphasis on lardo.
    so ‘salute’ to you both
    from a london girl living in Rome

  14. Howdy,
    Thanks for stopping by stirthepots, I am knee deep, ok ankle deep in parties, it’s the end of Christmas season where I work! I will be flying to Ecuador for a few days to heat up in the sun, just feels like Christmas, maybe eat a guinea pig, ceviche, etc…but when I get back I will mosey on back to your site for some perusal and keyboard salivation, maybe we could podcast an interview? Make you two famous?

    Cheers and happy whatever holiday!


  15. I see a negramaro bottle (Feudi di Guagnano?) in your homepage. Have you ever drunk the “Terra Guaniani” by Lucio Leuci (www.vinileuci.it)? Try it. I think it’s one of the last “thoroughbred” negramaros in Apulia. Best regards.
    (Atrium Kircherianum is one among Ilva’s Lucullian Delights friends).

  16. Hi, I must add something to Stu’s comment about eating or not in a deserted restaurant. We arrived in Monterey CA very hungry but with no recommendations. So we took some pamphlets from the hotel lobby and decided to do the tourist thing and go to Benihana. Got lost and stumbled upon a Japanese restaurant with only 1 other diner at the bar. Hmmm. Well, the food was amazing and before we knew it, it filled up nicely and the place was rocking. I guess we got lucky. If you’re ever in Monterey with a jones for fantastic Japanese food, check them out… http://www.sakurasushi.tv/

  17. What a beautiful blog! I am from the basque country in northern spain so it is great to read recipes and anecdotes about my country. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words.

  18. Came across your blog looking for imported Spanish morcilla (still no luck on that one). Your story about having fabada in Madrid where you overserved yourself a bit is hilarious!! My husband and I can certainly relate, we splurge when we can on fabada makings from La Tienda. My grandparents were both from Asturias and immigrated to the US, the food I expericed in their kitchen (her kitchen really, he just passed through until time to eat) has yet to be repeated except at the homes of relatives still in Spain.

    My first trip to Spain with my Mom when I was 16 ended with us smuggling Spainish sausage back into the States! Chorizo and morcilla are THAT good indeed!

    Thanks again for a great read!

  19. I just wanted to stop in and say thanks so much for reading my blog! I was so excited to see your message – I visit your blog frequently looking for culinary (and blogging) inspiration. And I, like you guys, am seriously NEVER full.

  20. Been looking for you EVERYWHERE girl! Finally stalked you from Ali’s facebook page. Love the blog and would love to get in touch. Your craziness defined my childhood and I think of the fun we used to have often. I’ve subscribed, so write up some good stuff. Love ya, Dana

  21. Hi Amy,
    I’m writing to tell you that I’m following your blog for some months and I really like it, congratulations!!

    I’m a brazilian food web editor and we have the website SuaMesa.com.br with lots of information about our country gastronomy. But I have also my own blog, digeat.com , and there I have your link recommended. I don’t know if you have around the world blogs in your blog roll, but if you like our work here, I would love to be part of your links:))….

    Thanks and keep rocking!!

    best regards,

  22. So fun to meet you both last night! Both Jim and I would love to get together again—we’ll have to find somewhere that serves good raw meat.

    Really had a lot of fun, though I’m feeling a bit crappy today too, thank god I don’t work with screaming 17-year-olds anymore!

  23. You kids should throw down an “Arroz Con Gandulez”. Every Puerto Rican girl/person/family I meet here in Chicago has their own version and they’re all good! I’ve been told that since I am a white guy I could never make it myself. Feeling the gauntlet was thrown down I carefully polled about 6 latinas for advice and came up with a decent wedito version. I had to laugh when my toughest critic had seconds and told her Mom I “really threw down for a white guy”. Thoughts? OH, I paired it with your slow cooked pernil recipe which also turned out awsome. So thank you for that.

  24. I emailed you the wedito version of rice with pigeon peas as a pdf, along with a couple of cooking action photos from my bachelor days so you can see what I am talkign about. Enjoy.

  25. I just wanted to drop you a line. The blog just keeps getting better and better. I’m always tempted to send you recipes and pictures of the few nice meals that I get to make. I’m jealous of the resources that you have living in New York. Out here in the sticks of PA, we don’t exactly have the variety that you have, but I have been able to make due. I would love to get together and do a night of cooking. If you’re ever at the beach and feel like collaborating, you know where I’ll be.
    Keep it up!

  26. Hello Amy,

    I am thoroughly enjoying your site! As a big foodie myself I came across your site when looking up recipes for Cacio e Pepe upon my return from Rome this year. I love the design and concept, and find myself drooling over your vibrant photography. Kudos to you and your partner!

    1. Wow, Rosina. What a fabulous comment! Thank you so much! We really appreciate it. We hope you come back again!

  27. Never heard of this combo before but bring it on! Yes, I am a bacon/maple syrup dipper (and a french fry + sundae dipper too ;P). The chicken looks so mouth wateringly crunchy….
    Ps Thanks for visiting me.

  28. I’d like to personally invite you to join the CookEatShare Author network. CookEatShare has had over 2.5 million unique visitors in 2009, and I think they will be interested in your content. Users will be guided to your actual blog, so this is a free way to increase page views and visitors to your site.

    Please visit http://cookeatshare.com/blogs/apply for additional information or contact me at mary@cookeatshare.com for more information, to get unique link to claim and customize your profile.

  29. Hi Guys

    You have a magnificent blog. Congratulations. I love your enthusiasm and passion about food!

    I am new to blogging and thoroughly enjoy posting my daily recipe. Your recipes sound and look absolutely delicious – every one a taste-explosion for the taste-buds.

    I have added you to my blogroll and I invite you to have a look at my blog – I would be honoured if you would add me to your blogroll.

    Looking forward to sharing with you.

    Sunny regards,

  30. dude, your blog is awesome. i randomly found it when i was trying to show a friend pics of the mercado del puerto in uruguay. that is one of my favorite places in the world. the food you guys write about is all the stuff that i like….

    1. @herbs – thanks so much! We had an awesome time in Uruguay and can’t wait to go back. We never wrote about our trip to the Bouza winery just outside Montevideo, though we may yet as we’ve still got a couple of bottles from there that we need to get around to drinking. Hope to see you here again soon!

  31. I read your Cuban Sandwich column with strong interest. As a small boy in the late 1940s my father frequently took me with him when he made weekend deliveries to restaurants and clubs to the Cuban community near Tampa. But the Cuban community was never referred to as “Tampa”: it was always distinctly “Ybor City”, which already existed as sizable, thriving community in 1898 during the Spanish American War.

    Later in the 1950s and 1960s, I lived in South Florida near the Cuban enclave of Miami, and in both locations ate what must be thousands of Cuban sandwiches. Not once did they have “mayonnaise” or Dijon mustard–either of these would have changed the unique flavor completely. Moreover, occasionally in some small Ybor City cafes bologna was included on the sandwich, but never salami and never lettuce and tomato.

    1. Lol! Thanks Tracey. I think you’ll actually like our next blog post then (assuming you eat curry, that is!)

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